There is a wide range of products for every type of situation.
From passive hearing protection to the customisation of in ear monitors with generic fit. Thus we can offer a solution for any kind of problem. Our team is expertly prepared to advise you in making the right choice for your situation. We welcome the opportunities to give you professional advice.
Sleep Plugs / Snore Plugs
Custom made Sleep Plugs, manufactured out of hypoallergenic silicone to fit deeply and comfortably into the ear-canal. For those “snoring husbands” (or wives)!
Custom Made Swim Plugs
Custom Swim Plugs in position. For children (or adults) who suffer from chronic ear-infections caused by water getting into the ear-canal. Indicated for children with grommets in the eardrum and.
In-ear Active Shooter Protection
Designed to be used in high noise environments and especially where high noise peaks may occur such as with gun use or machinery. They are available for left or right.
Earpieces For Hands Free Calling
Custom earpiece for hands-free cell-phone attachment. Made to fit to any earpiece of a conventional walk-and-talk accessory. Custom made from your ear-impression to fit snugly and comfortably into the ear..
Musicians Monitors
We do not supply the hardware for in-ear musicians monitors but we can customise your monitors for you. The monitor has a customised fit into a silicon mould which is.
Earmoulds For Tv Anchors And Sport Referees
We manufacture custom earmoulds for TV anchor persons and umpires or referees that need to communicate with others without being subjected to interference from background noise. We do not supply.
3D Printing
We manufacture custom earmoulds for TV anchor persons and umpires or referees that need to communicate with others without being subjected to interference from background noise. We do not supply.